Monday 23 March 2009

Animation; Done!!

Well, i've finally finished my animation, after weeks of stress and several episodes of Flash rage. I feel this has been one of my strongest units so far and I'm pretty happy with my animation, although I wish I could have added some music to it. I had a song picked out, but then heard we had to seek permission from the artist to use it, and I had no idea how to do that. I'm going to get that done though before uploading my flash to my online portfolio (which doesn't actually exist yet). I'm also going to go on to create the other two statistics, and have an intro scene which is used to navigate between the three stats, using buttons.

Aside from the usual difficulties I have picking up new software I felt the most difficult part of the unit was learning to think in moving images, which is something i've never done. I feel I've picked this up now though, and definitely want to use flash again, both in university/working world projects, and personal projects.

All I need to do now is create an advertising banner, plus a website/portfolio for my ABC. 

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