Monday, 23 March 2009

Unit 3: Screen Based Communication 1

It's finally here; the unit I couldn't wait to get stuck in to. Since starting the course I have been looking forward to learning Flash, as it's so unlike anything I've done before. So far I've found the brief slightly strange; the animation has to be based on a statistic, and has to persuade others in to your way of thinking. I suppose I'll have to get used to working to working on strange/difficult briefs at some point though. 
   So far I have been researching existing animations, my favourites being the typographic film quote animations I found on YouTube. I've also been researching every kind of interesting statistic I can think of. I think I could be on to something with a wastage/recycling route I took; apparently £10 billion worth of food is thrown away annually in the UK, and the statistic is broken down further into how many yogurts, whole chickens etc. is thrown out each day. I was also thinking of looking in to what could be created with the stuff people waste, e.g. if somebody throws away a coke can every day, how long would it take to have wasted enough aluminium to make, say, an aeroplane?

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