Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Berlin, baby! 17th - 20th March '09

I'd never been to Germany before the trip and really didn't know what to expect from Berlin. I was really looking forward to this trip as I hadn't had a holiday in three years and couldn't wait to experience a new country. I also had a feeling it would be a good bonding experience. 
After a long and eventful journey (for some reason during the plane landing I thought I was going to die, perhaps due to the fact the pilot seemed to want to drop us hundreds of feet at a time with no warning, so my stomach was literally in my mouth) we finally made it to the hotel. I was expecting some kind of shack seeing as the trip was so cheap, but was pleasantly surprised to find a decent hotel, complete with reception area with a bar, music, computer and the knowledge we could bring our own booze there. After going in search of food and finding a freshly made pizza and beer for 3.50 we got down to business in true Brit abroad style. Namely drinking games. Next morning, after much hilarity and probably more alcohol than is healthy, we were up bright and early and left for the Jewish museum. My favourite thing about the Jewish museum, aside from the architecture of the building itself, was the 'Fallen Leaves' exhibit. This was made up of over 10,000 solid metal faces on the floor, some large and some with baby-sized proportions. This had a really eerie feel to it, as the echoes of the metal faces clashing together as you stood on them ricocheted off the walls of the enormous room that contained them.

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