Friday 10 October 2008

Post number 1

OK, so as part of my course I have been instructed to keep a diary that "details your learning experiences and personnel (should that be personal??) development whilst studying on FdA Visual Communication." (Or at least that's what the brief says now I've gone at it with a highlighter, which I've found is the only way I can make the information stick to my brain). So now I've been on the course for two weeks it's definitely time for me to make a start, otherwise I'll never do it. I'm struggling slightly to even remember what we've done already, the whole 'moving 300 miles away to a strange and what seems to me a huge town without knowing a single soul down here' thing has slightly mashed my brain so far and I'm only just starting to get focused and back onto track. The first thing i can remember doing is sitting through a lecture with Dr. Anna about....something I can't remember. Umm... the learning style test we did on induction week was absolutely spot on, I came out as a visual learner and definitely not someone who learns by being talked at for hours on end. Which means I'm going to have to try hard in order to gain something out of Dr. Anna's lectures.
In fact, I think it might be a good idea to go through all the stuff I've been given and notes I've taken so far before I tackle this diary/blog.

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