I've not blogged in a while so thought i'd do a quick update;
my new blog header comes a la last weeks PAL session where the second years taught us how to design a header in Photoshop and get it up on here. I found this really interesting and definately think i'm going to play around with it more when I have more time (IF I ever get more time!)
I'm not sure about the purple...it looks completely different depending what computer i'm on, think something a bit more subtle would be better!
Other than that i'm feeling a bit lost and out of my depth at the moment, i was dying a slow death last week so missed a couple of days along with the illustrator tutorials which i'm really annoyed about. I've never used the programme before and think it would help a lot with getting my editorial illustrations off the ground. Having basically a week out of uni and not getting much done has completely knocked me off track, also the deadline is approaching and I don't feel I have anything worth handing in yet....
This week I had my first Quark tutorial which seems like a really useful programme to learn. I remember doing a session on inDesign at college and being completely useless, but this seems fairly straightforward even for a techno-amateur like me!
Next wednesday is the crit for our book, which i've not started yet. I feel like Quark would be the best thing to use for this but i don't have my second tutorial till tuesday afternoon which is too late. I'm now thinking I could write it by hand and scan the handwritten text in to Photoshop, plus different materials like parcel wrap, graph paper etc. then play around with it on Photoshop. I'm not quite sure yet, i need to have a think then get stuck in tomorrow. Life would be so much easier if I had Photoshop on my laptop...I think it's on it's last legs though so installing new programmes might tip it over the edge!